
The party must be neutral.

If I did not have a primary, I wouldn't care.

We created a facebook group to discuss the difference of vision each of the candidates have for the Democratic Party as a whole. Feel free to share it with anyone that lives in the district.

So in conclusion ...

The petition window was cut short because of COVID-19 and only one member of our team made it on the ballot.

Vote Theo Chino for State Committee

Who is Theo Chino

I live at 640 Riverside Drive at the corner of 141st and Riverside since 1972.
My parents divorced, and during the 1980s, my mother sent me to live with my father because of the French public school's quality.

Vote by Mail

You can use the Board of Election website to request your absentee ballot.


You need to check the box #1 next to my full name.

Run in 2025 for a Party Position

It only takes 32 hours every two years to become a Super Voter. Super Voters elect the chair of the party and the replacement of elected officials that resign from their duties.